Stop Annoying Jaw Pain With Angleton TMJ Treatment

It’s not uncommon to suffer from occasional jaw pain. If your discomfort is chronic, though, it may signal you have a TMJ disorder. This painful condition is caused when your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) become inflamed and irritated. Fortunately, we can help your jaw heal with TMJ treatment in Angleton.

Specifically, we can help you:

  • Stop grinding your teeth, a habit often linked to TMJ disorders
  • Prevent damage to your tooth enamel caused by grinding
  • Ease tension on your jaw to give your TMJ a chance to heal
  • Restore a comfortable range of motion to your jaw, so you can easily open and close your mouth without pain
  • Enjoy more restful sleep
  • Eliminate uncomfortable TMJ symptoms like earaches, headaches, and facial pain

If you think you could have a TMJ disorder, ask us about it at your next dental exam, or call us at 979-291-0952.

Save Your Teeth & Your Jaw With a Custom Mouthguard

Many TMJ sufferers clench their jaws and/or grind their teeth in their sleep. These habits are often linked to stress. In addition to putting painful pressure on your jaw, grinding can damage your teeth to the point where you may need restorative dental care. We can fit you for a custom mouthguard that will:

  • Fit comfortably and unobtrusively in your mouth, similar to an athletic mouthguard
  • Improve your rest
  • Prevent you from clenching and grinding (bruxism)
  • Stop grinding-related damage to your teeth
  • Relieve chronic pain in your jaw and face

These TMJ Symptoms Can Signal a Problem

During your routine exams, our team will look for signs of dental wear that may indicate you grind your teeth. Whether or not you have a TMJ disorder, a mouthguard will prevent more serious damage caused by teeth grinding, such as chips and cracks. Other signs of a TMJ problem include:

  • Lingering jaw pain
  • Popping or grating sound when you open your mouth
  • Facial pain and swelling, especially near the jaw
  • Pain that radiates out to your neck and shoulders
  • Frequent headaches, especially when you wake up
  • Pain or ringing in the ears

For TMJ treatment in Angleton, call us at 979-291-0952 or schedule online.