Discover Our Sleep Apnea and Snoring Solutions
Sleep apnea is often overlooked. It can be very dangerous. It increases the likelihood of strokes, the likelihood of heart attacks. Here at Sabal Dental, we work with several sleep doctors in the area where they can do a sleep test for them.
Sometimes, you know, the gold standard is what’s called a CPAP, so continuous positive air pressure, and that’s at night. It’s hard for a patient to wear that because it really is almost like a Darth Vader mask and it’s loud, so the partner isn’t really happy sleeping next to them. Sometimes when we’re talking with their doc and their sleep doc, we can treatment-plan an appliance to have them not have to wear the CPAP machine. All that does is position their jaw forward a little bit, and that’s going to open up that airway, and it’s going to help them breathe at night.