Discover How an Oral Appliance Relieves Pain
Patients come in all the time saying that their jaw pops or sometimes their jaw locks and that they’ve had issues with it. They’ll wake up with headaches, that type of thing. Here at Sabal Dental, we’re able to diagnose the cause of that. Sometimes it can be grinding. Sometimes patients, it’s just a genetic thing. We’re able to differentiate what it is that’s causing it and treat the source of that issue.
One of the ways we treat TMJ pain is by offering customized night guards. We have patients that come in and they sometimes know they’re grinders, sometimes not, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, I’ve tried an over-the-counter night guard but hated it.’ It didn’t fit well, or it was kind of loose. Sometimes they like it but oftentimes not. So what we offer here is a unique night guard that fits only you. That way, it’s tailored to your teeth and nobody else’s.