Missing teeth impact individuals physically, mentally, and emotionally. This can hinder your enjoyment of day-to-day life and produce apprehension regarding yourself in professional and personal relationships. Oral implants can fix all of these worries. With implants, you can:
- Restore your solid bite and capacity to eat
- Restore your feeling of self-worth
- Feel assured that your brand-new teeth will not move around in your mouth
- Revive your confidence in professional and personal relationships
At Sabal Dental, your dentist desires your brand-new teeth to look, feel, and function as well as healthy, normal teeth. You get the advantage of our years of experience and training in teeth replacements when you come in for an appointment. Together, we can develop a strategy to place your smile back on track and set the stage for your long-term dental wellness.
The very best remedies will depend on the number of teeth you require to restore. You can rebuild your smile with these services:
- Dental Crown With an Implant – This is essentially a full man-made tooth with the dental implant as the crown and the root covering your dental implant.
- Bridge With Implants – To replace numerous teeth, begin with implants as your foundation. Adding a bridge fills in the gap in your smile without the requirement to reshape healthy teeth to hold up your bridge.
- Dental Implant Dentures – Choose dentures that snap directly onto implants, or boost your chewing power with dentures that clip onto a bar, which is attached to your implants.
- Implant-Retained Dentures – Replace a complete arch of teeth by attaching your dentures to four implants. Two of them are angled to maximize the connection between implant and bone. Since only four implants are needed, this is a more affordable method for a full-mouth reconstruction.
It’s time to rejuvenate your smile and your confidence. Set up your appointment at Sabal Dental to find out how you can get dental implants in Kingsville, TX. 361-256-5958 or .